
Friday, August 19, 2011

Pride and Prejudice: You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you

Mate, you've said it all.
That book is a dead set Friday Favourite. My copy aint as pretty as yours, but it is definitely full of the same awesomeness, obviously because it is the same book, i.e. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Like everyone who has ever read it, at first I hated Mr Darcy's guts until I realised that he was actually the best guy ever and Mr Wickham is the true knob jockey. Now I love Darcy very much, especially when he is also Colin Firth.

Apparently Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle (the lady who played Lizzie in the 1995 BBC version) were doing it in real life when they were making that series. Hot.

Three cheers for Pride and Prejudice!


  1. Do you think that Rumpleslutzkin looks a lot like Mr Wickham in the BBC series? I think the resemblance is uncanny. Uncanny, I say!

    (That is so cool about CF and JE. I want to make scones and watch it again)

  2. Holy shit! I've never thought of it before but you're right, Rumpy is a dead ringer for Wickham! Poor Rumpy. Better Wickham than Mr Collins though, I guess.
