
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Poor guy is right


As I was reading your post this morning I just kept hoping you were wrong. I kept thinking, maybe this guy is writing to his girlfriend. His new HD (that's hot date for those of you that prefer words) perhaps. Just because you (and I) would not really dig on a texter addressing you (or I) as 'sexy' doesn't mean there aren't a bunch of ladies out there who would. Maybe the text recipient likes this guy and whatever he says is ok by her. Especially when he wrote 'save some nights for me', I was encouraged. Because this seemed far to bold for anyone other than a boyfriend or HD. But then when he changed it I was discouraged.

The reply really did say it all. Coffee! Sunday! Pick me up! Can't she get her own way there? Gee, I hope things work out for tram guy.

1 comment:

  1. You know what? I really don't hope things work out for tram guy, at least not with this woman.

    I do however hope he realises that "I may have time..." is a nice-ish way of telling someone you're not even a bit interested. I think if he pursues this romance in the face of this he deserves what he gets. Because imbeciles deserve to be punished, right?
