
Monday, August 15, 2011

Here comes the groom

Often I look at The Sartorialist and note that the main reason that the subject looks awesome is their hair or grooming or poise or certain je ne sais quoi. Its not always about the outfit. I am not breaking any ground here. The Sartorialist says as much himself.

It really makes me think that my grooming is letting me down. I know that sounds like I am blaming my grooming like it some independent thing that doesn't help me out. But really I know it's all my fault. I'm letting my grooming down.

Here are a few examples from the Sartorialist.

(Looking at these I wonder if I am subconsciously obsessed with long dresses and it is not about grooming at all.)

As far as I see it I have three main problems:

-fizzy barely manageable hair
-lack of knowledge and understanding
-lack of patience and an abundance of laziness.

Where I once hated my hair I have come to see it's good points and embrace it. But as it stands I basically have one thing I can do with it, dry it big and curly. And while I am happy to do that I wish I had some variety.

Which brings me to my second fall down. Once I asked my ex- hairdresser if he could recommend some hair product to me. But he would not. Well that's not very helpful. Imagine a hairdresser that didn't just cut your hair but also gave you some top tips on maintenance and styling. Something you could take to the world and use for the good of your grooming. But it's not just hair that is my problem. What about makeup, poise, that certain je ne sais quoi? Are these things I could learn?

Not if I can't overcome my laziness.

Once, inspired by these men I tried to roll my sleeves up super neat.

But my version did not look like this at all. If I were more patient could I have done it? I feel like it is barely (not) within my power to look really neat. But I want to!

I feel like identifying some of my problems is an important step forward. People, grooming is going to change around here!

1 comment:

  1. I hear that, J. I’ve sunk so low as to be often putting my hair up in a scrunchie, showering, leaving hair in said scrunchie and going to work. Yeah, shower scrunchie hair. I figure my colleagues are just damn luck I had a shower. xo L.
