
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Snowy reflections

Wow, look at all that snow!

Thank goodness Paz has a hint of boy-scout, because even though LB is really awesome at a lot of things, I don't think he is a good mountain King. But he shouldn't feel bad, because being king of the mountain is quite hard I think. Sometimes the sun is shining and everything is still and beautiful and the mountain is basically romancing you sweetly. I'm sure LB would make a very fine king of the mountain in those conditions. But other times it is blowing a gale and hard rain is falling, and it is so cold that icicles start to form on your face. Then the mountain hates your guts and only the extremely hard core or the extremely organised survive. I used to go to the snow with Rib-eye quite a lot, and boy oh boy did that guy like to prepare. Before we set off on our trips, he would consider all possible scenarios and then pack equipment to accommodate them. Dude would have packed snow chains for a springtime trip to Mount Donna Buang, just in case. He also used to firmly believe that skiers needed to maintain their energy levels at all times while on the mountain. To facilitate this, he would stuff the pockets of our ski jackets with fun size mars bars, and we would eat them on the chair lifts after a run. It was really awesome actually.

Anyway, I am looking forward to hearing more about your ski trip. I love the snow and I haven't been in ages, only once since Rib-eye and I broke up in fact. That was a pretty awesome trip though. I skied my first ever blue run on that trip. For those of you who don't know, that's like reading a book with chapters for the first time.

Here I am crossing the imaginary finish line. AB and I skied that run together, but she had to wait for about 20 minutes for me to finish. That's how she managed to capture the special moment.

Good grief. I look so awkward on a pair of skis.

1 comment:

  1. To be fair to LB, he did bring fun size mars bars.
