
Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday favourites

Welcome to the first installment of Miss Soft Crab's Friday Favourites!

Friday Favourites is what happens when it's Friday, and we have a favourite thing we would like to share with the crab community.

It is also what happens when something is not necessarily a best thing, it's just a favourite thing. It has a little special place in our hearts, but isn't hands down a best thing. For example, let's say that one of these days I want to do a post about cheese. Cheese is, absolument, a best thing. But maybe instead of posting about cheese in general, I post about babybel. I'm not sure if it could be described as a best thing, but a favourite thing? Sure.
Look, this isn't science everybody. It's just a couple of ladies talking about some things that they really like. So here goes with Friday Favourites!

Readers, my first Friday Favourite is the song Seven by Prince.
As we all know Prince wrote pretty much all the great songs in the eighties and nineties. All of them. If one wishes to choose a favourite Prince song, they have tens to choose from. Maybe even one hundred. There are so many options. But we're not here to talk about options, we are here to talk about favourites and for me, that's Seven from the love symbol album.
I'm not sure I can explain why I love it so much. Maybe its because you don't really hear it as much as some of the others. Maybe it is because the lyrics have this kind of dark biblical thing going on. Like if Prince had written all the hymns we had to sing at catholic school, then this is what we would be singing. That is very appealing to me.
In actual fact, I think that the reason I like Seven so much is because clearly, it is not one of Prince's best songs, and yet it is a shit -hot song that makes me so super happy whenever I hear it.
It came on when I was in a shop recently and though I hadn't heard it in years and years I immediately thought to myself yes. YES! Seven, you are an awesome awesome song and I am choosing you as my first Friday Favourite.
Have a quick listen everybody!

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