
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dish poetry

Mate, this mornings post about dish fairies raised a few questions in my mind.

  • Like, why don't people just wash their dishes? How hard is it to wipe a soapy rag over a coffee cup rinse it and turn it upside down? It's not that hard. I mean doing a whole sinkfull is one thing. I put that off all the time. But a lunch plate, a coffee cup? Sheesh, people. Wash a dish.
  • WTF is a person doing with a tin of condensed milk at work? Just spooning it into there mouth? Condensed milk is not a lunch. Nor a milk.

I guess that is only two questions. But it also reminded me of something that happened at my old work one time. After getting upset about the state of the kitchen someone (whose job it was to clean the kitchen) wrote a little poem and stuck it up in the kitchen. It did not rhyme and it had no discernible rhythm, but they called it a poem nevertheless. It went something like this (this is not exact, but the poetic feeling and the sentiment is about right):

Kitchette (sic. I may not remember the poem exactly but I remember the spelling mistake) Poem
Push the milo and coffee tins to the back of the bench.
Put your dishes away.
Don't leave out the milk.
If you don't like it you can get a job elsewhere.

Did I mention that this person's job was to tidy up. I'm pretty sure they did not have hiring or firing powers.

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