
Monday, April 18, 2011

Where to begin

Mate, with Chutney Club yesterday and Pesach tonight and so much delicious food everywhere I really don't know where to begin. But let me give it a shot. I cannot wait to eat vegetarian chopped liver tonight. I can't wait. I am pretty sure that by the end of the night my teeth will have the same horrible furry feeling they had last night. Why you gotta be punished for eating all that delicious food by having furry teeth. I hate that. Also I really need to go for a run.

So how freakin good was Chutney Club? I know we probably say this every time, but I really think that was the best one. The chuts, the diversity, the pickles, the bloody marys, the baked goods.

I think that the best thing I made this weekend was the honeyed brown butter spread. Fo shiz. Sometimes I read recipes that call for browned butter and I never really got it and now that I browned that butter and tasted all its caramelly goodness I totally understand what everyone is on about. And I certainly do not want to come down on that recipe, cause it was delicious, but why it didn't call for cinnamon I don't know. Honey and cinnamon are pretty much one of the best combos in the world. I think it added a lot to that butter.

Though I also liked making caramel. I love the way it makes my kitchen smell like Disneyland and I love that it is the easiest thing and that the end result is friggin caramel. Every time I make it I think this but then what am I gonna do, just make caramel all the time and then eat it. That's not really feasible is it?

Did you have a favourite chut? I really felt like they all had something great to offer. I loved the spiciness and the nut factor of the spicy pear and I loved the depth of the apple, plum and onions. I also love it when fritters are served. I love how Biz always makes a fritter. Sometimes I think of those eggplant chips from NYE ... shit I'm thinking about them right now in fact and, well, you know, I really wanna eat them. Anyways, I love fritters. Though I actually felt that the chutney they were meant for went better with cheese and the ajvar went well with the frits. And how about those bread and butter pickles. I loved how they were a bit spicy and a lot delicious. All the jams were great too, the lemon factor in your fig jam was great and that tangy marmalade. And the worcesterchire sauce, well I only tasted that in the bloody mary and it tasted pretty good to me. Until you talked about how tomato juice tastes like vomit and then somebody said chunks and then the dream was pretty much over.

In other news I am looking forward to the Seder tonight. 'Cause there ain't no party like a Passover party.

Though apparently my awesome haggadah from last year wasn't good enough and Mondonna picked up a new one in Manhattan Judaica. She says that design-wise it matches our yarmulkes and the description of it was thus:
30 MINUTE SEDAH HAGGADAH. This meaningful abbreviated format includes all of the highlights of the traditional Seder. The gender sensitive, socially conscious text will appeal to all ages. Rabbinically Approved! 6"x9" format.

So I guess it sounds pretty good. But apparently when she went to buy it the guy in the shop castigated her for wanting the abridged version and suggested she only cared about the food. HA! God, I can't wait for the vegetarian chopped liver.

Next year in Jerusalem!

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