
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Work is ok by me

Ummmm... working 2 days is the BEST!

It's true that I don't own a house and can't buy nice things much, but other than working 2 days rules! And it's not just because it means you have more spare time and don't have to wake up early every day and boring doesn't get boring so quickly. Though all these things are great.

Firstly, if you only have to go to work twice a week it is really easy to always have a good kit and have enough energy to make yourself look nice. When I used to go to work 5 days a week I was pretty much a mess most days. And when I did pull it together everyone at work knew I was just pretending to have my grooming under control. At my new work they will never find that out!

If you only have to catch peak hour public transport twice a it is actually kind of nice. I have to change trains and when the first train pulls up to the station where I change heaps of other people get off to change too. Then we all run between platforms so we don't miss the next train. Man, it really brings commuters together. I seriously love it. Makes me smile every time.

What I really love about part time work though is you can kind of pretend to be someone you are not. You know, I am quite shy and reserved with strangers usually. But for some reason because I am hardly at this job I am heaps more genki than usual. Just chatting away, calling people by there names and shit. I love this bit. Usually.

It backfired a little bit the other day. This woman introduced herself to me and I was like, "Hi, it's nice to meet you. I hear everybody talking about you." What I meant, of course, was "I realise you are important to my job because I hear your name a lot." But I think it sounded like, "Oh, you are that bitch everyone is talking about!" That is not what I meant at all. She seemed really nice. I may have to work a bit more on the new genki me.

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