
Monday, August 15, 2011

Get your groom on!

OK mate, you can totally make this happen and I think you should.

I hear you about the challenge of overcoming laziness though. You're talking to a girl who sometimes just washes and blow-dries her fringe rather than the whole head of hair, because I just can't be bothered and the overall effect is the same (more or less). So lord knows I understand how difficult it is to overcome laziness.

But don't you reckon it's possible that if we had the necessary knowledge and skills, grooming ourselves better would probs require less energy than every day worrying about how to groom ourselves and sometimes really ballsing it up? I mean, people who look good all the time, such as well dressed old ladies, don't look good because each morning they try on half their shit, do their hair a bunch of different ways to find out what looks best, then just end up wearing it in some sort of up do because it's easiest, then slap some make up on because they are running out of time, then rush to the tram stop at a pace that makes their hair go weird and and their faces go extremely red. No way jose. It's because they just do the same good looking thing over and over and over again, and I am assume they've done it so many times it's totally a piece of cake for them now and they can make it to the tram with time to spare.

So the way I see it, we need to overcome laziness in the short term, in order to be able to embrace our true natures in the long term. And in order to do that we need to learn some skillz and practice them. Either that or make a lot of money and maintain a domestic staff because it would totally be straight up easy to look good all the time if you had domestic staff. But that's not going to happen so lets focus on learning skills.

First of all, hair. Mate, I love your hair and I think it looks good all the time. But I'm hearing that you want to know how to do it in other ways so you have more awesomeness options available to you. I think you should totally make an appointment with a hairdresser and get them to teach you how to do some thing with it. I don't understand why more hairdressers don't offer this as a service in fact. Anyway, I think you should do this and I think I should come along with a camera and I can document it for the Miss Soft Crab community.
What do you say? I think you should totally do it!

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